seasons of joy syllabus
Using the calendar as our guide we will explore both spiritual and legalistic aspects of Judasim. Be prepared to sing, laugh and ponder one's deepest questions in a relaxed, discussion-oriented atmosphere. Each weekly class includes twenty minutes on the Torah portion of the week, twenty minutes on Jewish philosophy, twenty minutes on Jewish law or a discussion of upcoming holidays and fifteen minutes for questions. While participants are welcome to attend as many classes as they are able, the course is best appreciated by consistent attendance over one entire year. A reading list will be provided and the class is encouraged to read and apply the relevant information and to keep up with the weekly Torah portion before each session.

Syllabus Part One (class 1 -20)

Jewish Month/Torah Portion/Topics

1. Tevet/Vayechi 5 levels of soul, pt 1 Modeh Ani
2. Tevet/Vayera 5 levels of soul, pt 2 handwashing, am blessings, Rosh Chod
3. Shevat/Bo Emunah prayer methodology, saying amen
4. Shevat/Beshalach 1st Cmmd, G-d's hands Tzitzit
5. Shevat/Yitro,Mishp. Shabbat: shamor vs. zachor T'fillin
6. Adar/T'rum,Tetzaveh Purim/concealment Mezuzah
7. Adar/Ki Tissa,Vayak. Pesach pt 1 Prayer/minyan, M vs. W
8. Nisan/Vayikra, Tzav Pesach pt 2 Seder
9. Nisan/Shemini Omer/mourning Kashrut
10. Nisan/Tazria/Metz Impurity Pzukei D'zimrah
11. Iyar/Achare/Ked. Lag B'omer, monogamy Shma
12. Iyar/Emor/Behar Shavuot, lessons from Ruth Shmoneh Esrai/Shmittah
13. Sivan/Bechuk/Bamid Bad things to Gd. People Public Torah Reading
14. Sivan/Naso/Behalot. Giving Blessings/lashon hara Oral Torah/Pesach Sheni
15. Sivan/Shelach Loving Israel Challah
16. Tammuz/Korach Miracles 13 Principles
17. Tammuz/Chukkat Imperfection of our Heroes Statutes vs. Judgements
18. Tammuz/Balak Messiah Fast days, 3 weeks
19. Tammuz/Pinchas Sacrifices Bris/Baby Naming
20. Av/Matot, Masei Power of Speech Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Syllabus Part Two (class 21 – 35)

1. Av/1st 4 in D'varim Rabbinical law Marriage/Elul
2. Elul/Shoftim Judges/chain of trans. Bris-Bar/Bat Mitzvah
3. Elul/Ki Tetzey Rosh Hashana Conclusion of Sh'moneh Esrai
4. Elul/Ki Tavo 13 Princ. Pt. 1 Brachot Achronot
5. Elul/Nitavim, Vayelech 13 Princ. Pt. 2 Yom Kippur
6. Tishrei/Ha'azinu 13 Princ. Pt. 3 Sukkot Week
7. Tishrei/B'reshit/Noah Tikkun Middot Kashrut Review
8. Cheshvan/Lech L'cha Avraham Taharat Mishpacha
9. Cheshvan/Va-yera Unanswered prayers Sh'ma/tallis/t'fillin Review
10. Cheshvan/Chayei Isaac Bracha Bee
11. Cheshvan/Toldot Jacob Melachot of Shabbat
12. Kislev/Vayetze 12 Tribes/Gratitude Shabbas vs. Yom Tov
13. Kislev/Vaysishlach Yisrael's Struggle Holiday Review
14. Kislev/Vayeshev Joseph Chanukah
15. Tevet/Mikeytz, Vayig. Slavery Beit Din Quiz